Tuesday, July 13, 2010

potty-training sans the potty

It started off just like any other subway ride: we stepped into the subway, and I did my usual sweeping glance of the car. On my left, there were two Chinese parents holding their 2- or 3-year-old daughter between them, and the way they were holding her seemed odd to me, warranting a second more direct glance. I noticed that they seemed to be holding her aloft off from the seat, then noticed that her pants had been pushed down a little. After having spent two weeks in China, I know that you can never know what to expect, so I warily took a step back, wondering if she was just going to pee right there and then all over the floor. Certainly someone had done it in our elevator before, so why not now? I glanced at the floor, waiting to see the pee trickling towards me, and noticed that her parents were each holding her with one hand, and with the other were holding a doggy bag. A little doggy bag that she was peeing into. Who needs a diaper anyway when you can just pee into a bag? I found it particularly ironic that this little girl was one of few small children not wearing split pants. Which certainly would've come in handy in this instant.

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